Supporting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of babies, children and their carers.
From birth to around 6 months

Develop self care and mindfulness tools to help you nourish and care for yourself through your pregnancy and during your transition into motherhood.

Bonding Activities
These are small, relaxing groups for parents, carers and their babies from 0 – approx 6 months.
You and your little one can enjoy simple and gentle playful activities based on the latest research into attachment.

Learning Self Care and Simple Mindfulness Tools
Develop self care and mindfulness tools to help you nourish and care for yourself through your pregnancy and during your transition into motherhood.

Play therapy
Play Therapy aims to help children acknowledge their feelings in a constructive way and give them strategies for coping with the difficulties they face.

Embrace this time of being your babies favourite toy

There is a huge market promoting a vast range of toys and equipment designed as educational and promising to enhance our babies development. This can put a lot of pressure on a new parent, making us feel like we are doing our babies a disservice if we don’t have a full toy box accessible from birth. This can also cause frustration and a sense of failure when we find that our brand new little people couldn’t care less about all of the shiny new, expensive toys we have bought them and instead want to spend every moment curled up in our arms.
Ready to get started?
Please get in touch to arrange a free consultation!
“I care for myself so I can care for my baby.”

About me

My name is Emma Brummell, I am a mummy to two boys and a qualified Play Therapist. I obtained my Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy in 2012 following my BA (HONS) Degree in Early Childhood Education. I have also completed a ‘Baby Bonding’ course and a ‘Teach 10’ training program which gives me the knowledge and skills to teach the core principles of mindfulness to others.
I provide 1 to 1 Play Therapy sessions with children both privately and within schools. I also run various groups, workshops and training focusing on supporting attachment and the wellbeing of babies, children and the people working hard in the challenging role of parenting, caring and educating
I am truly passionate about the work I do to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and their families.
What people are saying about my classes and workshops!

Becca Strive